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No topic in particular.
A first performance test is done using a 850nm infrared filter from kolari vision.
A second one is done using a IR Chrome one, at every f-stop.
Infrared hot spot test on a variety of Leica TL lenses from the wide angle 11-23mm to the tele lens 55-135mm.
Which one performs best when used to shoot infrared photos?
Process to disassemble the Leica SL, first model, to get to the sensor.
Infrared black and white, and IR Chrome color photographs taken around Tokyo neighbourhoods.
Among others: Ghibli Museum, Shibuya and Shinjuku.
Testing the “Impossible Instant Lab” lens on a digital mirrorless camera.
Hot spots test for an Infrared converted Leica Q using Kolari Vision 850nm IR filter.
Sample photos and performance test of 7artisans 55mm f1.4 lens for Leica l-mount.
In this article I show how to use a Leica lens on a Sigma sd quattro camera with bit of DIY.
Blog post where I showcase the process of how to modify a Leica CL camera for Infrared Photography.
Articolo dove mostro il processo di modifica della Leica CL per fotografia agi infrarossi.
Il processo prevede lo smontaggio della macchina e la rimozione di un filtro di fronte al sensore.
Breve articolo dove spiego il processo di modifica della mia Leica Q.
A short post showing some pictures of the process of modifying the camera.