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Leica Q - Teardown and Infrared DIY conversion

Today I would like to share with you a little project of mine.

A few months ago, I took my Leica Q and converted it into a full spectrum camera.

I really like the versatility and picture quality of the camera. Plus, I also love infrared photography which I have been doing for the past couple of years with a modified Leica T.

I decided to step up the game and modify also the Q to have a full frame IR camera.

Before trying to mod the camera, first I tried with putting a IR filter in front of the lens. Unfortunately, the IR Cut filter on the Q is stronger than the one on Leica T or M8. The exposure time, even at f1.7, would go over +10 stops.

Removing the filter allowed to shoot handheld even with an 850nm filter and on overcast day.

To remove the IR cut filter I had to disassemble the Q. It was a bit hard to find all the screws but once found, the rest was quite smooth.

Being my first attempt at a Leica Q, with no guide I was a bit nervous.

In the end I manage to disassemble and put together the camera again.

But enough talk, here some pictures of the process.

Note: as I was focused on not messing up, I only took pictures that would help me reassemble the camera. This is also, I suppose, the process a Leica Camera Technician has to go through to clean the sensor.

Video test in IR Chrome: Leica Q IR Chrome video
Video, IR 850nm Cherry Blossoms in Japan: Leica Q IR 850nm

Leica Q - Modifica agli Infrarossi