35 APO Summicron-SL vs 35 APO Summicron-M Comaprison
Hello everyone,
this time a comparison between two incredible lenses.
One was made to match the other but does it really matter?
Method and tools used:
- Leica APO Summicron-SL 1:2/35mm;
- Leica APO Summicron-M 1:2/35mm;
- Leica SL3 @60Mpx;
- Tripod;
- Camera set on manual shutter, aperture, ISO, White Balance and focus;
- Opened with Capture One and exported, no editing.
Below the gallery with the pictures. Can you guess which is which?

So, the first picture from the left was taken with the 35 APO SL, the next after it, with the 35 APO M.
When you see two pictures, the first pair was taken at f2, the second pair at f4.
The camera was not moved between takes, I just swapped the lenses. The 35 APO M was mounted using the original Leica M-L adapter.
To finish up, some side by side, 100% zoom in shots:
What do you think?
Let me know.